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3.8 Women's Day | 10 Outstanding Women in the World History

2023-03-07 22:10:36    来源:www.bvrcn.com Brand Value Network

March 8 is a festival set up to celebrate women's important contributions and great achievements in economic, political and social fields. Regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, language, culture, economic status and political position, they deserve to be respected and affirmed.


Internationally, the first celebration of Women's Day was on February 28, 1909. Later, the National Women's Committee of the Socialist Party of the United States designated the last Sunday of February as "National Women's Day", which was dedicated to organizing large gatherings and parades. China's first public and official celebration of the "March 8th" International Women's Day was held in Guangzhou in March 1924. After that, the "March 8th" International Women's Day represents the revolutionary tradition and the special public cultural space for the century-old women's movement in China.


On the historical stage at home and abroad, many women who have made outstanding contributions deserve our praise and respect. We review 10 outstanding women at home and abroad, and briefly introduce their contributions.


Outstanding Women Abroad


1. Alexandrina Victoria (1819.5.24-1901.1.22)


Queen Victoria of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland also has another status as the ruler of the British Empire. From 1837 to 1901, she reigned for 64 years, the most powerful "empire on which the sun never sets" period in Britain. She was the first British Queen to be called "Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and Empress of India". During her reign, the constitutional monarchy was fully developed, and the British economy grew rapidly and continued to prosper.



2. Marie Curie (1867-1934)


Marie Curie was Polish-born French female physicist and radiochemist. On June 25, 1903, Madame Curie discovered radium. In 1903, she and her husband Pierre Curie and Henry Becquerel shared the Nobel Prize in Physics. In 1911, she won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for her achievements in radiochemistry. Madame Curie was the first female scientist to win the Nobel Prize in Science and also the first scientist to win the Nobel Prize in Science twice.



3. Helen Keller (1880.6.27-1968.6.1)


Helen Keller, a modern American woman writer, educator and social activist, was one of the most influential women in the world's history and the first blind person to obtain a bachelor's degree in literature. She published 14 books, such as The Wonderful World I Perceived, Out of the Dark, My Faith, Helen Keller's Diary and My Teacher, devoted herself to helping the disabled, and also established many charitable institutions.



4. Jane Goodall (1934.4.3— )


Jane Goodall is a zoologist with a high reputation in the world and is committed to the research, education and protection of wild animals. When she was in her twenties, she went to the primeval forests of Africa and spent 38 years in the wild to observe chimpanzees. She runs around the world, calling for people to protect wild animals and protect the earth's environment. She also devotes herself to environmental education and public welfare undertakings. Jane Goodall Institute, founded and managed by her, is a famous non-government animal conservation institution, and has done a lot of effective work in promoting chimpanzee conservation, promoting animal welfare, promoting environmental and humanitarian education and other fields.



5. Emmeline Pankhurst (1858.7.15-1928.6.14)


Emmeline Pankhurst, a representative of the British women's rights movement and political activist, is regarded as the mother of British women's suffrage. At the beginning of the 20th century, she set off a radical women's political participation movement unique in British history. Her ideology largely determined the direction of this movement. Even today, she still occupies an important position in the minds of the European and American public. Every July 15 is designated as Emmeline Pankhurst Day by the United Kingdom, in order to commemorate this advocate who have made important contributions to women's suffrage.



Chinese Outstanding Women


1. Soong Ching-ling (1893.1.27-1981.5.29)


Soong Ching-ling is one of the founders of the People's Republic of China, a great fighter for patriotism, democracy, internationalism and communism, and a world-famous great woman of the 20th century. In nearly 70 years of revolutionary career, she followed Sun Yat-sen, devoted herself to the revolution, presided over and founded the English version of the magazine China Construction, conveyed the true situation of the Chinese people to the people of the world, and made indelible contributions to the cause of health care, culture, education and welfare of women and children, and to the cause of national reunification, safeguarding world peace and promoting human progress.



2. He Xiangning (1878.6.27-1972.9.1)



He Xiangning is a famous political activist in China, a pioneer of the feminist movement, and an outstanding artist in the painting world. After the victory of the 1911 Revolution, He Xiangning and Liao Zhongkai assisted Sun Yat-sen in the reunification and construction of the Republic of China. In January 1924, the first National Congress of the Kuomintang was held, and He Xiangning was elected as the Minister of the Women's Department of the Central Executive Committee of the Kuomintang, concurrently in charge of women's work in Guangdong Province. She led the publication of the ten-day issue of the Voice of Women, held a women's movement workshop, set up a school for women workers, launched women's movement and fighted for women's liberation.



3. Lin Huiyin (1904.6.10-1955.4.1)


Lin Huiyin, a famous architect and author in China, and the first female architect in China, read and annotated the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty (hundreds of Tang Dynasty buildings and place names) collected by the China Construction Society with Liang Sicheng in the 26th year of the Republic of China (1937), and found the Tang Dynasty architecture - Mount Wutai Foguang Temple. After the liberation, Lin Huiyin made contributions to the design of the National Emblem of the People's Republic of China, the design of the Monument to the People's Heroes, and the innovation of the cloisonne technology. She was also the author of Collected Poems of Lin Huiyin and Collected Works of Lin Huiyin.



4. Bing Xin (1900.10.5-1999.2.28)

Bing Xin was Chinese poet, modern writer, translator, children's literature writer, social activist, essayist. In the Morning Post in August 1919, Bing Xin published the first essay Thoughts on the 21st Hearing and the first novel Two Families. In 1921, she participated in the literary research conference sponsored by Mao Dun, Zheng Zhenduo and others. She also published the novel collection Superman and poetry collection Stars, and published a large number of prose collections and children's literature works. In 1995, Bing Xin was awarded the National Cedar Medal by the President of the Lebanese Republic for translating Gibran's Prophet, Sand and Foam, Tagore's Gitanjali, Gardeners Collection and other works.



5. Tu Youyou (1930.12.30- ) 


Tu Youyou is the chief scientist of the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, pharmacist, recipient of the Medal of the Republic, and the first Nobel Prize winner in medicine in China. She has been engaged in the research of combination of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine for many years, and her outstanding contribution is to create new antimalarial drugs artemisinin and dihydroartemisinin. In October 2015, she won the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine. On December 18, 2018, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council awarded Comrade Tu Youyou the title of Reform Pioneer and the Reform Pioneer medal. In May 2019, she was selected into Forbes China 50 Women in Tech.



On Women's Day, we are grateful for their contributions to the world. They are all models of our generation. Only by working hard and cultivating ourselves, can we also make contributions to the world.


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